Lifescore, LLC was started as a result of Dr. Phil Fowler practicing and acting on all ideas and strategies incorporated in the Personal Development Philosophies Booklet; Lifescope: The Positive Thinking Game; 110% Rating System and Action-Oriented Pocket Cards; and all Lifescore 110% related products and services. Dr. Phil Fowler and his Lifescore, LLC Counseling and Consultant Business has Consulted with various individuals, schools, universities, profit and non-profit organizations.
P.O. Box 32153
Louisville, KY 40232-2153
Phone: 270-775-9132
Self Improvement Plan
Dr. Phil Fowler is a Licensed Professional Clinical Counselor Supervisor (LPCC-S), National Certified Counselor (NCC), Kentucky Standard Certified School Counselor, and Kentucky School Superintendent Certification. Dr. Fowler is President and CEO of Lifescore, LLC. He is the inventor and author of Lifescope: The Positive Thinking Game (the world's only positive thinking game.) Dr. Fowler also developed other personal development and self enrichment materials; including, The Personal Development Philosophies Booklet & Audio Digital Recording, Lifescore Action- Oriented Pocket Cards, Lifescore Rating System, and other Lifescore series products and services.
Lifescore concept originated from Lifescare (exposure to negativity, adversity situations, and failure symptoms) and eventually evolved into Lifescore (building a positive protective and resilient shield around one’s mind, body, and soul; maintaining a positive mental attitude; positive self motivation; and entrepreneurial success).
*The Lifesore 110% Logo design prompts one to always Think Big. To achieve success in life one must Plan, Focus, Dream, and Act on those goals in life. The letters surrounding the Globe is highlighted with shaded letters which draws one to the logo. The colors and letter are purple with lavender shades on the letters surrounding the globe. Purple represents royalty and everyone should exhibit this high self-esteem for themselves. The Jets, Eagle, and Stars is a constant reminder for one to aim higher than the goals one sets out in ones life ventures
Copyright 2012: Dr. Phil Fowler | Self Improvement Plan | All rights reserved.
Reasons why the Lifescore Series Products and Services were developed and shared globally to ethnic, racial, and cultural diverse groups of people.