Formerly (1980), The Positive Enrichment Professionals, Inc. was the flagship company that marketed the positive motivation products and services which prepared everything for the next highest level.
*All the efforts and hard work was turned over to Lifescore, LLC in 2004 which is the "Trade Name" for all the self-improvement plans, products and services.
*Lifescore, LLC was also started as a result of Dr. Phil Fowler practicing and acting on all ideas and strategies incorporated in the Personal Development Philosophies Booklet; Lifescope:The Positive Thinking Game; 110% Rating System and Action-Oriented Pocket Cards; and all Lifescore 110% related products and services. Dr. Phil Fowler and his Lifescore, LLC Counseling and Consultant Business has Contracted with various individuals, schools, universities, and profit and non-profit organizations.
*Worked 40 plus years in education, executive and consultant in state government, and the university system on the local, state, and national level.
* A Retired Teacher, University Counselor, Professional School Counselor, Administrator, and Executive.
* Certified School Teacher, Counselor, Certified School Superintendent, and Licensed Clinical Counselor.
* Teacher, Counselor, and Administrator for students in the public schools and Universities.
* Excellent Character Traits and the ability to establish rapport very easily with people.
* Very assertive, empathetic, ethical, perceptive, resilient, and vigilant.
* Diverse inner city rearing and background. Educated at Historically Black College-University, Urban, Regional, and Big Ten Universities.
* Positive, enthusiastic, and motivated person which is somewhat contagious to those I interact with daily.
* Provided Consultation for all branches of the military, Guard, Reserve, and the American Red Cross. Empathetic to the needs of diverse groups of people.
* Ability and experience working with the most difficult students and adults (juvenile justice and criminal justice systems) to the most advanced/honor students.
* Provided Counseling, Educational, and Consultation services across Kentucky, throughout the United States of America, Asia, and Europe.
* Professional affiliations and held offices with various professional organization and alumni associations on the local and national levels.
* Served several years as a Major in the United States Air Force Auxiliary-Civil Air Patrol as an Aerospace Education Officer (AEO) and Certified in Critical Incident Stress Management.
P.O. Box 32153
Louisville, KY 40232-2153
Phone: 270-775-9132
Copyright 2012: Dr. Phil Fowler | Self Improvement Plan | All rights reserved.